Dixon Farms
Property Type: Land, Farm, Price: $1,250,000
Brief Description:
State: California Approx. +/- Acres: 156
City: Dixon Bedrooms in Main Home: 0
County / Province: Solano Features: Pasture/Graze Land, AG Well,
Country / Nation: United States Topography: Flat,
Zip Code: 95620 Date Listed on Site: 06/20/2024




Detailed Description:

156 acres bare land. 2600 gpm ag well with new pump. Perimeter fenced. County Rd. frontage. Conservation easement in place. No trees or vines.

Property Highlights:
- 156 acres bare land
- Perimeter Fenced
- County Road Frontage
- 2600 gpm ag well with new pump
- Currently used for cattle grazing
- Conservation Easement.
- No Trees (orchards) or vines



Property Website: http://www.californiaoutdoorproperties.com/listing/dixon-farms    
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Contact Information

View this agent's Profile Page to learn more about services provided, service area, and additional listings
Name: Todd Renfrew Email Address: info@caoutdoorproperties.com
DRE Lic.#: 01727574 Address: 707 Merchant Street, Suite 100
Company: California Outdoor Properties City: Vacaville
Telephone: 707-455-4444 State: California
Alternate Telephone: Zip Code: 95688
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