RANCH & COUNTRY MAGAZINE ~ rural real estate for sale ~ homes and estates on acreage, ranches, land, horse property, farms, vinyeards, groves, and rural retreats in the California Central coast, throughout California, Oregon, and the West. Publishes quarterly in both PRINT and DIGITAL formats
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Homes and Estates on Acreage, Ranches, Land, Horse Property, Vineyards and Groves, Farms
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RANCH & COUNTRY is committed to rural living and the rural lifestyle. We want to make finding rural real estate for sale as easy and enjoyable as possible. Whether you are interested in ranches for sale, land for sale, horse propety for sale, farms for sale, vineyards, orchards, groves, rural homes and estates, or retreats, we hope you will find your dream here! We look forward to your visits. Please stop by often!
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Agents who specialize in ranches, land, homes & estates on acreage, horse property, vineyards, farms, add your Profile Page to our Rural Real Estate Agents Database
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Rural Real Estate For Sale
Ranches For Sale ~ Land For Sale ~ Farms for Sale ~ Horse Property For Sale ~ Vineyards ~ Homes & Estates on Acreage
RANCH and COUNTRY created to assist the ever-increasing number of buyers searching for ranches, land, horse property, farms, and all types of rural real estate. Finding that special piece of land has long been the American Dream, and the COVID crisis increased demand, as people sought shelter from urban crowds.[READ MORE].
We offer two services to help your search for a place in the country. First, Ranch and Country Magazine is published quarterly in both print and digital versions. Check out our current issue and enjoy the "embedded videos" in some of the ads.
Next, the SEARCH database on this site includes 1000's of properties, including international properties. Our search feature will help you easily find that perfect piece of rural real estate. To search effectively, you may wish to start out with a minimum of parameters -- perhaps just the city or county, agreage range, and a price range. Then you can further restrict your search features, if desired.
REAL ESTATE AGENTS and SELLERS: Get maximum exposure for your rural real estate listings! The Unlimited Listing Membership allows to upload as many listings as you want (an unlimited number.) Your membership will be for one year, and is now available for the new low price of $99. (This service is a separate service from Ranch & Country Magazine)
For each listing, upload up to 6 photos, a video link, and as much detailed description as you want. You can also link directly to each of your listings from your website or from any other online source!