International Ranches - Ranches In Canada
Real estate search database results from featuring Canada ranches for sale, farms for sale in Canada, Canada land for sale and other rural real estate opportunities in Canada. Canadian ranches and land for sale that are featured in our search database base are listed below. Double click each listing for a detailed description, photos, and contact information.
Many Americans look to Canada to fulfill their romantic notions of the untamed frontier. Canada ranches and land for sale can appear to be relatively affordably priced when compared to real estate prices in the western United States.[click here to expand] Ranches,farms, and for sale in Canada can be utilized to provide a variety of crops, livestock, and other goods that are fundamental to Canada’s economy. Wheat is Canada’s largest crop, and cattle ranching in Canada leads in the livestock industry.
Ranches in Canada tend to be relatively small; in fact, on Canadian cattle ranches the average herd size is 53 cows. Yet beef cattle is Canada’s largest farm cash crop. Buyers will often find that a ranch for sale in Canada is a family farm that is managed and operated by the owners.
Each province of Canada has unique features. Many of the ranches for sale in Canada are be located in the “prairie provinces” -- Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Cattle ranching, and large scale crop production, such as wheat and oats are found in these areas. Saskatchewan produces about two thirds of the nation’s wheat. The “Rockies’” of Alberta are known for cattle ranching and sheep ranching.The eastern province of – ranches and farms in southern Ontario offer extensive pasture and dairying industries, and grains, fruit and tobacco farming. Quebec farms are noted for fruit and vegetable production, as well as dairy. Quebec farms also produces maple syrup. On the Atlantic coast, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland all participate in mixed farming activities and livestock. The St. Lawrence Valley and the lower Great Lakes have a relatively moderate climate that is supportive of farming. There is cattle ranching in the interior of British Columbia and the Okanagan Valley is an important fruit-growing area.. The Graser River delta has the longest growing season in Canada and produces fruits and vegetables for the region.
Because Canada has a relatively small population relative it its landmass, Canada is able to export a significant amount of its crop harvest. Only a small percentage of Canada’s land mass is cultivated, yet agriculture is Canada’s most significant economic activity. Many Canadian farmers prefer traditional farming methods but modern irrigation techniques have become more widely used in recent years.
Canada offers many attractive features – a healthy economy, environmentally friendly lifestyle, relatively low population, and diversity. The purchase of a ranch in Canada, or aa farm, land, or a rural home can be an excellent investment and can provide an attractive lifestyle for buyers.[click here to minimize this text]
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