Services provided:
RanchAndCountry.com provides an internet service which allows its Users to purchase a Membership option that will enable the purchaser to post advertising of property for sale on this website. Information posted to this website shall consist of descriptive information about the property, photos, and contact information. RanchandCountry.com does not edit content and does not attest to the accuracy of information posted to this website. RanchAndCountry.com also provides options to Users to purchase an informational page in a searchable database of rural real estate specialists. Additionally RanchAndCountry.com offers display of information pertaining to products & services related to rural living, including horses for sale.
Appropriateness of information posted to this website:
Users who purchase Membership in order to post information regarding property for sale on this site agree that all information posted will, to the best of User’s ability, be accurate. All information posted must conform to industry ethics standards, be non-discriminatory, and be in compliance with all consumer protection laws and fair trade practices. All properties advertised herein are subject to the Fair Housing Act of 1968 and must be made available on an equal opportunity basis. Users also agree that any information provided regarding their own professional expertise -- designations, awards, licenses, and narrative representation of skills and abilites -- will be accurate and in conformance with industry standards, be non-discriminatory, and be in compliance with all consumer protection laws and fair trade practices.
RanchAndCountry.com’s right to approve and/or reject information posted:
All advertising posted to this site is subject to approval by RanchAndCountry.com. RanchAndCountry.com reserves the right to, at its sole discretion and for its own reason and without notice, to refuse, restrict, or delete any data/information posted to this Site. RanchAndCountry.com reserves the right to edit and/or delete any content posted to this website if such content is found to contain fraud or misrepresentation, or any other inappropriate or illegal uses, including posting material to this site which is objectionable, discriminatory, or which may in any way, create or potentially reflect ill will, or possibly by its nature be immoral, unethical, or illegal, including but not limited to obscenity, false advertising, embellishment of truth or fact, defamation or harassment, malicious intent, soft or hard pornography, unfair competition, or material that may possibly be deemed to be not in compliance with applicable consumer protection laws. RanchAndCountry.com reserves unto itself the sole right to make such a determination regarding all materials posted to this website.
RanchAndCountry.com’s right to terminate Membership:
RanchAndCountry.com reserves the right to terminate a User’s Membership at any time if the terms of this agreement are breached, or in the event of fraud, misrepresentation, or any other illegal activity. In such event, User will be required to destroy any information or material printed, downloaded, or otherwise copied from the site.
User certification:
In order to place advertising of any property for sale on this website, you must first certify that one of the following statements applies to you: “I certify that I have a current “Exclusive Right to Sell” listing agreement for this property, or that the property owner has given consent for me to advertise the property on this web site.” OR “I certify that I am the owner of this property
False certification is a breech of the Terms and Conditions of Membership and is a violation of law.
User responsibility for maintaining accurate information:
When a User purchases a Membership in order to post information on this website regarding property for sale, the User shall create a Password that will enable User to be able to return to the site throughout the Membership period in order to modify any information that may be inaccurate or that may have changed through time, to modify changes to the price or other conditions related to the property, or to delete the property if sold, and to update and keep current all personal information pertaining to the User. User is hereby authorized to use the password in order to maintain the accuracy of the data that User has posted to the site. User hereby agrees to maintain up-to-date, accurate information in all data posted to this Site. User agrees to assume all accountability and all liability for the accuracy of any and all information posted to this site throughout the Membership period.
Inability to predict results of posting property information:
RanchAndCountry.com cannot guarantee or predict the results that may be obtained by posting property for sale on this website. User accepts full responsibility for the decision to purchase a Membership option and to place advertising of property for sale on this website.
Hold harmless and release of liability:
User agrees to protect, indemnify, and hold harmless RanchAndCountry.com from any claims for libel, copyright violation, plagiarism or privacy and other suits or claims based on the content or subject matter of information posted to this Site. All claims made are the sole responsibility of the User. User may cancel or modify information posted to this site during the Membership period to bring information posted into compliance as necessary.
Procedures for purchase of a Membership option:
Users may purchase a Membership option, which will enable User to post information regarding property for sale on this website. User will choose to purchase either Option 1, in order to post information regarding a single property for sale, or Option 2, in order to post information regarding an unlimited number of properties for sale. Purchase of Membership options shall be made on-line via credit card. RanchAndCountry.com does not offer billing services for Membership options.
No credit card information is stored by RanchAndCountry.com. Renewal of Membership will require new entry of credit card information .
At anytime, and without cause, Membership may be terminated by either RanchAndCountry.com or the User. In the event of User cancellation, all monies paid for Membership shall be non-refundable. Please refer to Return Policy.
Transfer of Password to third parties:
Users are required to keep their Password strictly confidential, and may not under any circumstances allow third parties to use their Password to access this Site. Unauthorized access to the Site is a breach of the Terms and Conditions of Membership and is a violation of law
If any provision in these Terms and Conditions of Membership shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable. If a court finds that any of these Terms and Conditions are invalid or unenforceable, but that by limiting such provision it would become valid or enforceable, then such provision shall be deemed to be written, construed, and enforced as so limited.
Notice to Users:
RanchAndCountry.com may give notices to Users by means of electronic messages, by a general posting on the Site, or by direct mail.
Prohibitive uses:
Commercial use of either the site of any material found within is strictly prohibited unless authorized by the website. No material within the site may be transferred to any other person or entity, whether commercial or non-commercial
Contact information for RanchAndCountry.com:
All questions regarding these terms and conditions must be directed to
3681 Sagunto // Mail c/o PO Box 821
Santa Ynez, Ca 93460
805-688-0919 phone
805-686-9889 fax
email: info@RanchAndCountry.com